
KCC – Latest Scam Alerts – 31st October 2022

Latest Scam Alerts This Week

Dear Kent Residents

People assume that the victims of scams and Doorstep Crime are gullible, vulnerable, or less intelligent. But in many cases, the person who falls for a scam does so because of the psychological techniques employed by the scammer—and not because of some personal flaw. Being aware of the scams that are circulating can help keep you safe.

⛔ If you receive a scam text or WhatsApp message, delete and don’t respond. NEVER disclose any personal information such as bank details, no matter who the person claims to be.

⛔ Reputable traders and contractors do not cold-call for business and they will NEVER ask you to go to the bank or cash point.

HMRC are warning residents about Self Assessment scams when returning their annual taxes.

Criminals claiming to be from HMRC have targeted individuals by email, text, and phone calls offering tax rebates or threatening arrest for tax evasion – HMRC would never contact you threatening arrest.

Anyone contacted by someone claiming to be from HMRC in a suspicious way should check HMRC’s scams advice page

The tax return deadline for the 2021/22 tax year is 31/10/22 for those completed on paper forms, 31/01/23 for online returns.

Fraudsters are targeting Kent residents with Bitcoin scams, claiming your Bitcoin investment has made profit. However, to access these funds, you will need to invest more money.

Beware when investing into Bitcoin❗

Only use reputable companies when investing. Learn more from FCA Scam Smart.

A scam email is currently targeting residents, claiming to be from HMRC.

The email will say there is an outstanding bill due on your tax and to scan the QR code within the email to pay the bill. However, the website is fake and is designed to steal your money and personal details.

Watch out❗ HMRC will never send you a QR code.

ACTION FRAUD: 0300 123 2040
CITIZENS ADVICE: 0808 223 1133

Keep Kent Safe!

Help us keep more resident safe from scams by printing this email and sharing with your community.
Trading Standards Checked carries out checks on traders so customers can have peace of mind when choosing a tradesperson to do work in their home.

Please help to keep your family and community safe. If you need work done in your home or garden, visit the website to find a safe local tradesperson.

Visit Trading Standards Checked
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