Good morning,
I wanted to share that our ‘Historic Treescapes Grant – Dover’ has now gone live, and I was hoping that you could please share this email with any groups or individuals who you believe may be interested in applying.
Applications are open to private and public landowners, land managers, estate managers, tenant farmers, charities and charitable trusts who own or manage land across the eligible area within Dover district.
This scheme is funded through the Trees Outside Woodlands programme, a collaborative project between Defra, Natural England, The Tree Council and five Local Authorities (including KCC).
This grant provides up to 100% funding for non-woodland tree planting projects across the Dover district area to restore historic trees that have been lost since the 1890 Ordnance Survey.
The grant will pay for the trees, materials, protection, and labour of non-woodland planting projects.
The grant could cover the restoration of historic:
- hedgerows
- hedgerow maiden trees
- in-field trees
- orchards
- parkland trees
- small, wooded areas (copses or spinneys) less than 0.2 hectares in size.
All relevant information, including eligibility and how to apply, can be found here on Historic treescapes grant – Kent County Council
We will soon be promoting the grant via our social media pages so please look out for that and please consider sharing online.
If you have any questions or queries, please don’t hesitate to get back in contact with me.
Kind regards,
Louise Butfoy BSc (Hons)
Kent County Council
Trees Outside Woodlands Project Officer
Soft Landscape Team – Highways, Transportation & Waste …ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ